Monday, April 9, 2012

Kindle Wifi Review

First: An explanation of ebooks: ebooks are books in electronic format. Basically ebooks are files just like Microsoft Word files that you can load and read using a devise called an ebook reader. The most popular formats of ebooks are ePub and .mobi files. These are equivalent to MP3 and ACC files in music, which you use an iPod or other player to listen to. Here are some advantages of ebooks and ebook readers compared to traditional printed books (for practical purposes, I will refer to both ebooks and ebook readers as just ebooks):

 ebooks use a new technology called e-ink. The ebook's screen has no glare, so it feels as if you are reading paper, the text is crisp and crystal clear, and you can adjust the size of the text as well as the contrast to your liking. You can also rotate the screen to a horizontal position if you like.
 ebooks weigh a lot less.
 You can easily search, highlight, and note anywhere as you read.
 The readers come with a built in dictionary.
 You can carry thousands of books in an ebook reader, it's very thin and weighs very little, and it can fit easily in your purse or large coat pocket.
 Some ebook models come with a headphone port, so you can listen to music as you read, but you can also buy ebooks in audio format and listen instead of read, too.
 You can also read other documents on ebooks, such as PDFs but not as conveniently.
 ebooks are ideal for carrying your entire library of books with you, to whip out and read at a moment's notice. You can take your ebook to the beach, on vacation, or on your commute to work, you can read while on line waiting at the post office.
 ebooks come with wifi so you can connect to the internet and buy and download books in a few seconds.
 Some ebooks come with 3G network built in so you have free access anywhere.
 An ebook's battery life can last up to 2 months!, so you never have to worry about running out of power while reading that great novel.

The most popular ebooks are the Amazon Kindle and the Barnes & Noble Nook.

I'm partial to the Amazon Kindle, but I have a very good reason. For one, I have not visited a Barnes & Noble Book store ever, since my high school days. And the last time I went to the B&N online store to shop, I had a $25 gift certificate and I was flabbergasted, when I only bought two kids books that I could find for the $25, and I had to put in another $10 for the outrageous shipping and handling and so on. In contrast, I shop on Amazon all the time, amazon is known for great deals and superb customer service.
You can buy a new Kindle today here:

Now I will tell you some SECRET USES for the Kindle and other ebook readers:
 Since the Kindle can connect to your computer via a USB port and cable, you can put in any scanned document, so if you are traveling you can upload a copy of your itinerary,  keep important travel documents and notes, even a copy of your passport, and recall them quickly and easily.

 There is a lovely man named Kovid Goyal who has written an open source piece of software that practically enhances your Kindle 100 fold! The software is called CALIBRE. With it, you can manage your growing library of ebooks from different places and serve them up to all your ebook readers, phones or tablet devices.
The software is very easy to use. It works on most computers including Macs, Windows and Linux machines. In addition you can download and serve up a plethora of news articles available on the internet on a daily basis and you get to pick the time when this happens, you can also download news from around the world in many different languages, making your Kindle, a kick-ass device for 2012! Go here to get this amazing software for FREE!

 At around $79 dollars you can get the new tiny Kindle wifi "with ads". These are just ads that appear when your Kindle is idle, you will hardly notice it's there and can ignore them. (Click on that green box above to see and buy the Kindle wifi). I bought this one  for my son, so I really think it's the best value. This Kindle does not come with the little A/C box adaptor that came with my original Kindle, so you can use your computer's USB port to charge it or buy an inexpensive A/C Adapter like this one:

• I also bought a nice case and a screen protector to go with it, along with a few books.
See below for links. And this Kindle does not come with a headphone port, so if you want to listen to music or audio books get a higher model.
 The Kindle Touch model is another great option for $149, it even adds Free 3G in addition to wifi and the headphone port:
 As a parent, who would say no to a kid who wants to read?!

 B&W Kindles and Nooks are the only devices allowed in public schools; they do not allow smart phones or color tablets.

 You can rent ebooks from your local library for free from your computer at home.
 There are hundreds upon hundreds of classic books available for FREE in ebook format, such as Moby Dick, click this link and have a look: Moby Dick: or, the White Whale

 There are many great ebooks as Short Stories and writers are giving them away FREE in hopes to get you interested in their other ebooks. Here is one of the best I have read:
HUNT FOR THE CHUPACABRA (a Chupacabra Series short story)
 Amazon has built an entire eco system around ebooks making it easy to get them (without the need to use a computer) store them (in the Cloud) and read them. Many other companies will be following suit, which will make it even easier to have access to many more ebooks and read them across many devices.

ebooks are here to stay. We will still read traditional printed books, but we will do so less and less. The kids have already jumped on the bandwagon, so as they say, it's only a matter of time. I saw the same exact thing happen to records and music and film not too long ago. Look at the bright side, with less printed books, we are saving all those trees!!!!!!

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